
I can't go on like this and pretend nothing is wrong.
So many memories, a great amount of fun..
The only people I ever had.
The only people I ever trusted.
People can refuse to listen, they can make up their own mind.
But in the end it strikes up for someone.
A glitch in a relationship can cause disconsolation and wrath.
But to let that out over someone else is a false action to do.
I have suffered every single day and I have just seen some few small shinelights since then.
Everything I do is boring, everything I relate to makes me cry.
I have the memories, the videos, the experience, but what do I need that for anyways? It all makes me unhappy and sad. I know that this is how it is and that we can do nothing about it. I can't say that im sorry because I did not do anything wrong, it was all in your heads.
I've lost others because of this which depresses me more an more.
Outsiders took parts and went against me, people who just have heard one side of a confusion story.
I need to write from time to time to let some feelings out, I write in English to not make it that personal. I am a mess and it will take long time to recover.


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